My Social Game Plan

The Drawbacks of Getting Email Subscribers With Opt-In Bait [Video]

The following is a video guest post from Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. Danny has been featured on blogs such as Problogger, Copyblogger, and countless others. To get his (free) Naked Marketing Manifesto click here!  Also, check out his Write Like Freddy Blogging Program.

If you go on just about any blog, you’re immediately slammed in the face with email opt-in offers similar to the following.

Subscribe with your name and email address and we’ll send you The Best Social Media Marketing Guide Mankind Has Ever Seen.

So you sign up!  I mean, who wouldn’t want to the best marketing guide mankind has ever seen?  Turns out that incredible opt-in gift is a four page PDF that reads something like…

You get the point — it’s information completely lacking value and you immediately feel like you’ve been tricked into giving up your email address.

This common scenario raises the question:

Is it necessary or good to have opt-in bait on your blog when building an email list?

  If the video doesn’t work, try watching with this link.

Broken Promises Don’t Foster Good Relationships

There are two major issues with the type of opt-in bait many bloggers offer.  The first problem was hinted at just above — trust.  If you say you’re going to deliver tons of value to someone in exchange for their email, you damn well better deliver on that promise.

This is important to the gazillionth power if someone is on your blog for the first or second time.  If you break that trust as soon as they give their email, your relationship with that reader is probably shot forever…along with everyone who sees their complaint on Twitter.

Don’t make lofty promises unless you’re going to deliver on them.  That applies to blogging as much as it applies to the “real world.”  People hate broken promises.  (See: LeBron James versus the city of Cleveland fiasco for evidence.)

Generating an email list with opt-in bait is a great strategy as long as you avoid the pitfalls of broken promises and bad subscribers.

Bad Subscribers Are Bad

It’s common practice among companies to segment their customers.  For example, a business might classify its most profitable customers as “A” customers, somewhat profitable customers as “B” customers, and customers who essentially cost the company money as “C” customers.

Obviously, a company would want to minimize the percentage of customers in the C category and maximize the other two categories.

In much the same way, you can (and should) segment blog subscribers.  You want to maximize the number of subscribers who are genuinely interested in what you write and are willing to share it with others.

While you may gain more overall subscribers by having opt-in bait, they’re not necessarily “A” subscribers.  In fact, it’s fairly common for people to have junk email accounts they use solely to sign up for free stuff.

Keep these things in mind when making decisions about opt-in bait on your blog.

A large email list is an incredible force, unless the email addresses on your list happen to be junk “C” email accounts with 3,000 unread messages sitting in the inbox.

Food for Thought

This post isn’t meant to imply that opt-in bait is a bad strategy for getting email subscribers, because it most definitely can be a powerful strategy.  But before you save that Word document as a PDF, keep a few things in mind…

Your Thoughts?

How do you feel about opt-in bait?  Have you had a lot of success building an email list with or without an opt-in gift?  I’d love to read about your experiences in the comments!
