I recently started reading Jay Baer’s and Amber Naslund’s The Now Revolution and was immediately motivated to write a post after reading this gem on the very first page…
The future of business is not in measured, scrutinized responses or carefully planned initiatives. Business will soon be about near-instantaneous response; about making the best decisions you can with the extremely limited information you have; about every customer being a reporter, and every reporter being a customer; about winning and losing customers in real time, every second of every day; and about a monumental increase in the availability of commentary about our companies. Business will be always on, always changing, always moving.
This is a simple paragraph on the surface, but it goes to the heart of social media for business — dubbed the “Now Revolution” — better than anything I’ve read in the past. After reading this, I started thinking about the business environment in Louisville.
I started thinking about the local retail stores, coffee shops, restaurants, night clubs and bars, entertainment venues, and other small businesses I visit.
All this thinking left me wondering: Is Louisville missing the Now Revolution?