How Social Media Impacts the Consumer Decision Making Model

“You don’t have to buy from anyone. You don’t have to work at any particular job. You don’t have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose.” – Harry Browne Anyone who has taken a formal marketing course knows all too well the traditional consumer decision making model depicted below. Here’s how it works… […]

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2012 Social Media Marketing Industry [Infographic]

How will social media perform in 2012?  This infographic by Patricia Redsicker paints a very positive picture of what’s to come for social media marketers.  The data was pulled from Social Media Examiner’s annual Social Media Marketing Industry Report. The infographic below is definitely loaded of great information, but it is only the tip of […]

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3 Simple Tips to Increase Facebook Interaction

We can all agree the primary purpose of having a Facebook page is to get people talking about and interacting with your brand.   You can do this in a number of ways, whether it’s by providing incentives such as Fan of the Week awards, having contests, or simply by linking to compelling content. Those are […]

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Changing Facebook Application Images on Timeline [Guide]

It’s March 30th and, as a business page owner, you now have the Facebook Timeline whether you want it or not. The problem? Those tiny application images that used to be tucked away are suddenly staring your fans and visitors in the face. They should be screaming “CLICK ME!” Instead they’re saying, “I’m a boring, […]

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Louisville Businesses Missing the Now Revolution of Social Media

I recently started reading Jay Baer’s and Amber Naslund’s The Now Revolution and was immediately motivated to write a post after reading this gem on the very first page… The future of business is not in measured, scrutinized responses or carefully planned initiatives.  Business will soon be about near-instantaneous response; about making the best decisions […]

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