How Technology and Social Media Are Changing Sports

Post by Kelley McGrath (@KelleyAnnMac). From how you do your grocery shopping to how you spend your leisure time, it’s no secret that modern technology and social media are having drastic impacts. So how have these two forces made their way into the sports arena? Sports like football and soccer are decidedly low-tech activities, which […]

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7 Crucial Tips for Effective Content Marketing

Post by Savannah Marie of Mixios. Forget about PayPal and apps – content is the new online currency. Website owners still use display ads and emails to generate sales, but they also rely on blogs, white papers, and other intangible assets to attract attention and generate authority in their industry. As a result, their marketing […]

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Why Superstitions Are Amazing Marketing Tools

Post by Nick Armstrong of WTF Marketing. You wouldn’t know it by their reputation, but superstitions are actually a very useful marketing tool. I’m serious. Superstitions teach us through veiled threats of impending doom about the hidden dangers that surround us, the value of everyday objects, and “common sense” better than perhaps even a first-hand […]

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Social Media Disasters and What We Can Learn from Them

Post by Ben Taylor from Eloqua. Social media has become one of the most indispensable forms of marketing to date. Brands are born and developed on it, personalities go from obscurity to superstardom, and great ideas are rampantly shared. There are many examples of social media successes to inspire us. However, reputations are also damaged […]

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How To Reach a Nonprofit Audience with Social Media

Post by Dennis Fischman of Communicate! So you’re interested in reaching a nonprofit audience? Good choice, given there are 1.5 million tax-exempt organizations in the United States alone. [Click to Tweet This] And yet, even with big numbers, it seems few people target these organizations successfully via social media. If you make yourself valuable to […]

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